Project Information

ASC Upgrade for NCOC Air Compressors

Project Description

Over the last few years, NCOC has experienced malfunctions in all 3 instrument air compressors. This problem was associated with the existing protection system based on a separate ABB controller. These controls were installed without the necessary testing and were therefore based on surge curves and theoretical operations..

As a temporary solution, they adopted the operation of the compressors with the vent valves partially open, thus limiting the maximum capacity of the compressors. partially open with the consequent limitation in the maximum capacity of the compressors.

Finally, a solution was defined as the implementation of the protection and surge detection system in the current PLCs and the decommissioning of the old protection system and surge detection system in the current PLCs and the decommissioning of the old protection system.

Throughout the project, the following tasks were covered:

  • Customisation of the anti-surge protection system (ASC) and the pumping detection system (SD).
  • Integration of ASC and SD with existing systems for start sequences, alarm and shutdown management, display history and data historisation (PI) systems.
  • Definition of contingency plans in case of the sporadic shutdown of one of the other compressors for the commissioning of the old controls.
  • Pumping tests for the definition of the actual pumping curve.
  • Load tests for the definition of the operating dynamics.
  • Continuous operation tests for the elimination of vent closure limitation.
Project Details


NCOC North Caspian Operating Company


NCOC Karabatan Plant (Iskene West), Kazakhstan



Project Picture
Project Picture